What a month! Wait, that was two months? It went by so fast! LCS has been very busy! September was the month of pride for us!!! We had a booth and marched in the Tri Pride festival and Parade. We met loads of other friends in local organizations. Our neighboring sisters from Beer City and Scruffy City, as well as one of our Co-moms Kentagious, came to join in the fun! It was great getting to meet new friends in the region, and strengthen bonds with old ones! We also had folks spreading love at Blue Ridge Pride in Asheville with our Beer city friends, and at Knoxville pride with Scruffy City. Three Different Pride Festivals, and we still wanna visit more in the region next year. To finish off this month, we’ll be publishing this webpage and submitting our application to become a fully recognized house. With goals to help with a toy drive and throw another bingo/food drive, as well as make our new coronets, the rest of the year will go by just as fast as this one.